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*Skål International celebrates impressive success of its Sustainable Tourism Awards entries reception* Skål International is thrilled to announce the ...
We are pleased to share a summary of the goals outlined for each portfolio for the year.* * * ** PORTFOLIOS & OBJECTIVES PORTFOLIO: CONGRESS & MEETIN...
Composition of the Skål International 2024 Committees within the framework of the organisation's new governance structure.* skål international regions...
*The Executive Board of Skål International, comprising 12 directors under the leadership of President Cardenas and Vice President Scrafton, convened...
*Skål International is proud to continue the support and partnership with World Travel Market Africa 2024, which will be held from 10-12 April 2024, i...
*The 82nd Skål International World Congress was held in Malaga, Spain, from 1 to 5 November 2023.* It was a pleasure to share these days with all the ...
*We are pleased to introduce the Skål International Executive Board 2024, elected during the 82nd Skål International World Congress, held in Malaga, S...
3 November 2023 *Official announcement of the Skål International Sustainable Tourism Awards winners during the 82nd Skål International World Congress...
Skålleagues around the world unite to help Skål International Acapulco members affected by Hurricane Otis.* Skål International has launched a fundra...
*Skål International has received this recognition from Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili, UNTWO Secretary General.* Hulya Aslantas, President Skål Internatio...
We are pleased to announce the programme for the Skål International World Congress 2023, which will take place in Malaga from 1 to 5 November and we ...
*With great pleasure we announce the three Clubs nominated to enter the 'Skål Club of the Year 2022-2023' Award * Their remarkable accomplishment in f...
*Skål International celebrates record-breaking success of its Sustainable Tourism Awards Entries Reception.* Skål International, a leading tourism org...
*Skål International, the world's largest organization of travel and tourism professionals, successfully held its 2023 Executive Board and Internationa...