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*Daniela Otero appointed member of the World Tourism Organization's Global Ethics Committee.* In the framework of the 24th session of the United Nat...
*Skål International participates at World Travel Market London 2021 [1] (WTM): UNWTO, World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) and Skål International tog...
*Skål International at FITUR 2021* FITUR begins: The strategic event for Tourism recovery FITUR [1] , organised by IFEMA MADRID [2] , stands from 19...
**Skål International attends IBTM World Virtual** Skål International, the only professional organisation promoting global Tourism and friendship, unit...
*Skål International held its second webinar for Tourism professionals 'The future in the events organisation' on Wednesday 20 May.* This session with ...
*M. Manuel Butler Halter, Directeur Exécutif de l'Organisation Mondiale du Tourisme des Nations Unies (OMT), a été l'orateur invité de ce premier webi...
**Notre industrie est confrontée à l'une des plus grandes menaces jamais vues** L a pandémie COVID-19 a alarmé le monde entier, mais il ne fait aucun ...
Results of the survey made by Skål International Rome regarding the COVID-19 crisis* The survey took place from 18 to 25 March 2020, with a question...
*Skål International CEO, Daniela Otero, participates at the UNWTO Affiliate Members Board meeting during FITUR 2020 in Madrid*** Daniela Otero, on beh...
*Within the framework of FITUR 2020, Skål International Spain presents the award 'Important of Tourism' to the 'National Commission for the V Centenar...
Just after the election process at the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) [1] for the period 2019-2021, Daniela Otero, CEO of the organization Skål ...